Movies on Netflix that can be seen from Bangladesh

Tell Me Who I Am

Tell Me Who I Am

movie      2019

Documentary      Drama      Mystery     

rating 7.6
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Director: Ed Perkins

Cast: Andrew Caley Alex Lewis Marcus Lewis Evan Milton Luke Mulhurn

What if every memory that haunts you could be erased? What if something truly horrific had happened to you and the person who loves you most could wipe that from your mind? Would you want them to? This is the ethical dilemma that 18-year-old Marcus Lewis faced when his identical twin Alex awakened after a motorcycle accident and Marcus was the only person Alex recognized. With no memories at all, Alex relied entirely on his brother as he tried to understand who he was. Working from an autobiography by the twins, Perkins and the Lewis brothers craft a powerfully cinematic adaptation that helps the audience explore their incredible story and remarkable 35-year post-accident journey. It’s a profoundly moving examination of memory and trauma, personal responsibility and, ultimately, love.::London Film Festival