Movies on Netflix that can be seen from Bangladesh

Wild Wild Country

Wild Wild Country

tv mini series      2018

Documentary      Crime     

rating 8.2
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Director: N/A

Cast: Osho Ma Anand Sheela George Meredith Jon Bowerman Kelly McGreer

In the early 1980s, a guru, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, moves from India to near the town of Antelope, Oregon, USA. He buys a large ranch and sets up a commune for his followers, building an entire city from scratch. The architect and implementer of his plans is his devoted secretary, Ma Anand Sheela. The local townsfolk react badly to their new neighbours, resulting in a very antagonistic relationship between the two sides. Tensions eventually boil over in a series of bizarre events. Eventually, law enforcement authorities, state and federal, get involved.::grantss