Movies on Netflix that can be seen from Bangladesh



movie      2019

Comedy      Drama     

rating 7.0
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Director: Nicholas Kharkongor

Cast: Sayani Gupta Lin Laishram Jimpa Bhutia Tenzing Dalha Lanuakum Ao

Chanbi and Upasna want to prepare a special North Eastern Dish, Axone Pork, for their best friend Minam’s wedding. The ingredients are bought, the stove is alight, the gang has gathered; there is just one glitch. They all live in New Delhi now and not Northeast India. And for people here, the dish emits a strong aroma, which seems to eliminate not from a culinary kitchen but more like from a…lavatory. The gang fears the pungent odour of the dish will invite their neighbors’ and landlord’s wrath. Comedic chaos ensues and unexpected obstacles arise as they struggle to find a safe place where they can prepare the dish in peace. The film explores the travails of this young group of buddies, as they grapple with outright racism and the upheavals of their interpersonal relationships, throughout the course of an eventful day.::Yoodlee Films