Movies on Netflix that can be seen from Bangladesh

Dilan 1991

Dilan 1991

movie      2019

Drama      Romance     

rating 6.6
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Director: Pidi Baiq Fajar Bustomi

Cast: Iqbaal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan Vanesha Prescilla Ira Wibowo Bucek Depp Adhisty Zara

December 22, 1990, Dilan and Milea officially date. Amid their happiness Dilan threatened to be fired from school due to a fight with Anhar. Dilan also increasingly involves in fights and gets enemies. Milea is worried about Dilan’s future. Milea feels that she has the right to ban Dilan from being involved in a motorcycle gang. One day, Dilan is attacked by unknown people. When he knows who is doing it, Dilan is planning revenge. Milea finally asks Dilan to stop from the motorcycle gang or their relationship ends. Dilan, a combat commander and motorcycle gang leader, will always be in trouble. In the midst of all these problems, Yugo, the son of a distant cousin of Milea’s father who has just returned from Belgium meets Milea. They often spend time together. Yugo likes Milea. And Milea - only loves